$300.00 USD

Every year

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Get access to Segment 3 and Segment 4 Training ($7000 Value) for an additional $100 per year. Click on the box to add these trainings to your order.

The Complete Optimal Development Package - Yearly Subscription

 Courses include: 

  • How-to Home Application With Erin Fulks
  • Includes all our free courses on Heavy Head, Torticollis, Back Arching, NICU to Home, Vision and Your Child, and the Newborn Movement Assessment™
  • Breathing Course
  • Activating the Pelvis Course
  • Activating the Spine Course 
  • Constipation Course
  • Swallowing, pre-feeding, pre-speech course
  • Head and Vision Course
  • Patching 101
  • Sleeping and Lying Down
  • Tummy Time Course
  • Rolling Over Course
  • Grabbing the Feet Course
  • Pubic Bone Strike Course
  • Sitting and Vision Course
  • Coming To Sitting Course 
  • Crawling Course
  • Pre-standing and pre-walking course
  • (Any new mini-courses that we come out with will be added to your course library)
  • Parent Workshop Series
  • In-time Baby Development Webinar Series
  • Setting Up Your ML Studio
  • Learning Words and Phrases 
  • Self-Help - Breathing Course
  • Self-Help - Back Course
  • Self-Help - Head Trauma Course
  • Vision Education Course
  • Austim Course
  • CP Course
  • CVI Course
  • Nystagmus Course
  • SMA Course (Coming Soon)
  • Seizure Course (Coming Soon)
  • Rare Genetics and Low Tone Course (Coming Soon)
  • Microcephaly and Macrocephaly (Coming Soon)
  • Super Baby Bootcamp
  • Movement Bootcamp
  • Beginners Touch 
  • Segment One Training
  • Cognitive Vision Training
  • Segment Two Training
  • Newborn Movement Assessment (long-course)
  • Mastering the Touch
  • Functional Vision Training
  • Primitive Reflex Movements
  • Unlocking CVI Course
  • Scoliosis Course
  • SPML Course 
  • Videos by Body Part
  • Videos by Functional Movement and by Month
  • 12-month calendar for implementing everything above.
  • Twelve 15-minute one-on-ones per month with Movement Lesson Practitioner Erin Fulks
  • Weekly Zoom with Erin Fulks with a Mini-Lesson and Live Q and A with parents.  

Disclaimer: Our courses do not replace medical advice. Use at your own risk and consult with your doctor if you have a child with high-risk medical conditions.