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Start Here: Free Guide!

Understanding your child's full development potential can be daunting. There has been so much information about reflexes but you don't get all the information for milestone momentum. 

Get the best of both worlds! Movement Lesson and Primitive Movement Reflexes. Another great teaching by Michelle M. Turner, creator of Movement Lesson™.

Don't startle - start today by helping your child and download your free guide today!

The Primitive Reflex Movements course by Movement Lesson™

Designed to help parents and caregivers understand the importance of primitive reflex movements in a child's development and how to identify and address any issues related to optimal development.

Start the Course with Michelle

Certification Course

Advanced Training Primitive Reflex Movements by Movement Lesson™ 

Designed for professionals who work with children in Movement Lesson™ and as occupational, physical, and speech therapy, special education, and early childhood development. 

(You do not need to be a certified Movement Lesson™ Practitioner to get certification in this course)

Get the Details - This course is starting end of summer 2023

We take the 'Wait and See' out of Parenting

Our comprehensive training program covers the basics to highly trained practitioners. We have everything you need to better understand your current situation: from milestone momentum, vision, and cognition and help you plan for the future.