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3 Ways to Make Time for Learning Child Development

Making time for learning is essential for personal growth and development. Here are three ways to prioritize and create time for learning:

  1. Set specific goals and prioritize: Define your learning goals and identify the areas of knowledge or skills you want to develop. Once you have clarity on what you want to learn, prioritize those goals and make them a part of your schedule. Assess your daily or weekly commitments and identify time slots that can be dedicated to learning. It could be early mornings, evenings, weekends, or even small pockets of time during the day. By consciously prioritizing learning, you are more likely to carve out dedicated time for it.

  2. Create a learning routine: Establish a consistent learning routine to help integrate learning into your daily life. Designate specific times for learning activities, whether it's reading a book, taking an online course, watching educational videos, or practicing a new skill. By creating a routine, you create a habit that makes it easier to allocate time for learning consistently. Consider setting reminders or creating a learning calendar to help you stay on track.

  3. Embrace microlearning and utilize downtime: Take advantage of small pockets of time throughout the day to engage in learning activities. Whether you're commuting, waiting in line, or taking a break, use those moments for microlearning. Carry a book or e-book with you, listen to educational podcasts or audiobooks, or access learning apps on your mobile device. By utilizing these moments of downtime, you can accumulate valuable learning time over the course of a day or week.

Bonus tip: Be intentional about minimizing distractions during your dedicated learning time. Turn off notifications on your devices, find a quiet space, and let others around you know that you need focused time for learning. This helps create a conducive environment for concentration and effective learning.

Remember, making time for learning requires intentionality and commitment. By setting goals, establishing routines, and utilizing available time effectively, you can create a learning-friendly schedule that allows for continuous personal growth and development.


Want to learn how to master your child's developmental needs effectively? 

First, you need to know where you child is at on the timeline of optimal development. Watch the video to learn more. 



Second, you need to prioritize your goals, and focus on learning how to give your child milestone experiences instead of focusing on milestone performances. Focusing on milestone performances causes too much skipping in development - development should never be skipped. 


Lastly, you can figure it how to give your child milestone experiences on your own, or we can teach you how to do it step by step. With over 25 years of combined experience, Michelle Tuner and Erin Fulks, Optimal Development Movement Coaches, have teamed up to help you, the parent, learn the skill sets you need to recognize what is and is not development, evaluation tools to help you navigate the plethora of therapies fighting for your attention and get the right therapies for you child's optimal development, and home application courses that teach you how to influence your child's development now. 

CLICK HERE to learn more and get started with the Worried Parent Starter Kit. There is no more wait-and-see for development. Make it happen with Movement Lesson. 


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