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Baby Crawling With One Leg, Is this Normal? NO (6 Atypical Movements)


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To work with your child's one-legged crawling, you need to work with their rotational movements, Start the Milestone Momentum Crawling Course today giving you step-by-step exercises teaching a baby how to crawl, CLICK HERE




One-Legged Crawling Is A Sign of 6 Movement Deviations in Your Baby

#1 - Difficulty in Tummy Time

#2 - Rolling Over Probably Only Happened One Direction

#3 - Your Child Had Difficulty Grabbing Both Feet with a Pump

#4 - Your Child Didn't Come To Sitting From Their Back From Both Sides

#5 - Your Child is Pulling to Standing

#6 - Your Child Functional Vision Is Being Limited


How Club Crawling Affects Your Child's Vision?

When you're working with Club crawl. 

What is actually going on is the child's having trouble looking up, and for whatever reason, when a child can't look up, it will stick the opposing leg out and that tilts the vision up. 

This is where you want to check with your ophthalmologist to make sure the structure is okay. 


So if I'm here and I'm crawling, I should be able to tilt my pelvis and have a full range of you. 

But if my eyes are crossed right now, that'll lock up my pelvis. 

So what I have to do is I stick my leg up and that lets me see higher. 

Because no child is going to crawl into the wall or going to self-harm, they want to see where they're going.

So that's where you're you're seeing the one-legged crawl and then also becoming very dominant on this side. 

And it's stemming from the vision and the visions trickling down into the pelvis and then into. 


And these so once you're dealing with the vision at the same time, I want you to work on that spine crossing midline as well because he's not getting experience with it because of what's going on with his movements.

(learn more about how vision affects babies and milestone development, click here.) 

When you're working with your child. 

Most people are looking at the goal or the end movement that is made as a result of many transitional movements.  

Most all other therapies work on trying to help a child perform the goal using an external source to help the child crawl better.

Instead, the child should be given a proper movement evaluation and then their interior or transitional movements should be worked on so a developmental milestone like crawling *can be taught to the child's system.  

(Transitional movements are what allows a child to get into and out of a movement successfully, independently, and without getting suck. The child in this picture can easily transition in and out of sitting, just by the way he is presenting himself in this picture.) 

No child should have to work to create a milestone movement. 

So even if people tell you this is normal, the real question is, what is "normal?"

There may be many babies who club crawl, but that does not mean it's normal. 

So if a child is crawling with one leg, it needs to be worked with because, again, those little inconsistencies within the pelvis and the vision will show up throughout their lives. 

Now they might be fine and go to school and go to college, but they won't have opportunities to, let's say, play football or whatever. 

And if the child does play in sports, they are at high risk for injury.

To work with your child's one-legged crawling, you need to work with their rotational movements, Start the Milestone Momentum Crawling Course today giving you step-by-step exercises teaching a baby how to crawl, CLICK HERE



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 *When using the Movement Lesson™ technique, this does not mean that your child will perform a movement like crawling. In many cases, this happens, but in cases where a child is special needs or has a compromised system, the ML™ techniques make the body and brain think it has crawled or performed some other type of developmental milestone movement without the body actually actively performing the movement. 

If your child has structural issues like dysmorphic features, hip dysplasia, microcephaly, macrocephaly, cleft lip, other birth defects, etc; please request a full movement assessment for exercises more specific to your child's movement needs. Click here


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