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Are there Apps for CVI - 6 Things You Need to Know

How do you know if apps for your child's CVI are helping or hindering Your Child's visual development?

Working with a tablet can seem like the perfect idea for your child to get some visual interaction. This is the time you are working with YOUR CHILD. But just remember that, visual stimuli doesn't necessarily mean you are working on visual functions.

Here are some things to avoid or supervise when using a Ipad or tablet for Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI):


1- Does your child have binocular vision? 

Do both eyes work together? If the answer is no or sometimes, then you want to limit tablet time. This close vision with no depth perception does not bring the eyes to synchronized vision. 

2- Does your child have weak convergence? 

If so, then they also have weak binocular vision. It's impossible to work with depth perception or convergence with the tablet. If anything, it can...
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