FREE Parent Plan Workshops - The Ultimate Parent Plan for Your Child's Development

Help My Baby

Is your baby experiencing time-dictated development (typical) or baby-dictated development (atypical)

*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see the disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here

Milestone Performances are not the same as Milestone Experiences.

If a baby needs to be propped in any way for a milestone performance, then their body is not having a milestone experience.
If a baby needs to be is falling out of a milestone position, then their body is not having a milestone experience.
If  a milestone performance takes A LOT of effort and appears to be hard for you baby, then their body is not having a milestone experience.
Having milestone performances without the milestone experiences makes a child's developmental progress slow, difficult, awkward, and at times non-existent.
If you are concerned about your child's development and you are doing anything and everything to find something that works, the reason why you are not finding anything that really works or has lasting progress is because what you are trying is focusing on imitating milestone performances.
Movement Lesson is the only place that teaches you how to give a child milestone experiences regardless of their ability to perform the milestone.
As a result of giving a child milestone experiences, the child starts on the path of milestone momentum which
is daily progress as long as you continue to initiate milestone experiences in your child that they have not been able to initiate on their own for whatever reason.
What is the exact process for initiating milestone experiences in your child?
You learn what it is in Movement Lesson™ Segment One Training.
Join today and get 80% off three week access to the course, Join us here,
If you are wondering if its too late to give your child milestone experiences if they are not a baby, no it's not too late.
Any person, a toddler, child, teenager, adult, and the elderly can be given any milestone experience they missed out on in life through the Movement Lesson™ Technique.

Above is a diagram of important developmental movements you may know about.


It's also an illustration of what you don't know that needs to happen in order for your child to be on the path of MILESTONE MOMENTUM.


It may seem like a lot, and it is, but NOT TO WORRY. 

Movement Lesson™ is here to help you Every Step Of The Way. 


We don't have all the answers, but we have A LOT of answers that make all the difference for your child's development in Milestone Momentum!


We are here to teach you what's missing in your child's development and what you can do to put these movements into their system for developmental success.** 

You are not in this alone, and it's okay to worry. 

No matter what happens from here on out you can keep your child on a path of MILESTONE MOMENTUM by learning and applying the Movement Lesson™ Technique on a daily basis. 



**Movement Lesson™ does not guarantee that your child will perform any specific milestones. Factors like genetics, trauma, and changes in skeletal and neurological structures can make milestone performances impossible. But with Movement Lesson™ it is possible to put milestones into a person's system without the physical performance of the milestones ever occurring. 

Step 1: Get our FREE download for having BIG SUCCESS with Movement Lessonā„¢ in the home
Step 2: Get the Movement Lessonā„¢ Baby Milestone Momentum Charts and learn the MISSING DETAILS from the chart above.
Step 3: JOIN the BABY SUPPORT PROGRAM and start getting the help you want and need TODAY!

Dealing with the Fear of Becoming a Special Needs Parent if Your Baby is At High Risk for Developmental Delay


"Thank you for posting this. My little guy's medical team is giving me whiplash today with all their off-the-wall theories. It's too much! We are going to keep taking one step at a time, both physically and metaphorically, until we have some answers."

-Parent on Our Facebook Group Movement Lesson for Parents and Practitioners

CLICK HERE to join the group!

Rough Start?!Ā The Tools You Need To Help Your NICU Baby

Start with these three FREE simple course. Post your videos our private Facebook Group Movement Lesson for Parents and Practitioners. These are needed for any baby who had trauma at birth