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Should I Use Black and White for Vision Development?

*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here


  • Does your child have low-level vision?
  • Does your child fail to respond to motion?
  • Does your child fail to respond to an object and/or color?
If you answer 'yes' then you might want to use black and white to stimulate vision for directionality. Getting attention to look towards your B+W card. That's it!
Never have a free-standing object, app, and/or area that is primarily B+W.
  1. Your child most likely will be stimulated but they are typically unable to look away.
  2. They cannot focus on a B+W, making it difficult to use binocular...
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How Vision Affects Movement and Baby Milestones

*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here

Babies, children, or adults with vision problems will have movement and milestone challenges.

While many say vision does not affect milestone development, that is 100% false.

A child with poor vision can become developmentally delayed due to the child's inability to respond to stimuli with efficiency.

While baby vision develops over time, much can be done to make sure your child's vision is on track.

Michelle Turner Leading Expert in Baby Movement and Milestone Foundations and Development shares with you how to be aware of some of your baby's most...

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"The Eyes Are Fine" - Are the Eyes Fine?

eyes vision Dec 08, 2020
The one phrase you want to hear from your child's ophthalmology visit is your child's eyes are fine.
However, just because the structure of your child's eyes are good, doesn't mean that they have the tools needed for successful vision.
There are three key areas to be evaluated for your child's ultimate vision:
Environmental: Your child's visual surroundings can be too cluttered or complex for them to have successful vision. Like finding a needle in the haystack can be too much for them to have successful vision going from near to farsighted.
Structural: The eye is made up of several key features needed for the eyes to work. They should be examined for damage introduced by birth trauma and genetics, optic nerve damage, premature retinopathy, astigmatism, to name a few. During this time, the shape of the eye is examined for near and farsightedness.
Neurological: The brain is wired to read the information the eyes have sent them. A...
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