Movement Lesson™ Experiences
Success Stories and Testimonials
*This website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Please see disclaimer for additional information about what we are not, click here.
"Just a few weeks ago she couldn’t roll front to back OR back to front and now she’s doing both! She barely lifted her forehead off the floor in tummy time. And now look! THANK YOU! We have rolling coming along nicely. Now she’s starting to get on all fours independently."
- Kriss N. -
"Just a few weeks ago she couldn’t roll front to back OR back to front and now she’s doing both! She barely lifted her forehead off the floor in tummy time. And now look! THANK YOU! We have rolling coming along nicely. Now she’s starting to get on all fours independently."
- Kriss N. -
"Happy new year everyone! I just had my first session for the year with a young boy (11 y/o) with CP, who has only had traditional therapy so far throughout his life. After the initial 15-20 min he stood up and said “Oh, my foot (the one I worked on) feel so much lighter”. I could see small changes in his posture even after that first hour. At the end of the session he asked me “When are you coming again?”. Well, a small reminder that our work can truly change lives. It was probably the first therapy session in his life when he was pain-free, could relax and had a little fun. I was also surprised how responsive his system was to my touch (might be getting better at this... finally). A good start to 2021!"
- Parent -
Overcome the block of getting started with the ML Laser Series - It Put's Michelle's Touch in the Palm of Your Hand
Learn More"Movement Lesson has changed a lot from the time I started working with ML back in 2015. The newer technicques have improved and enhanced the understanding of principles of Movement Lesson and eased the process of learning for all parents. The courses and fb lives are great learning places, if you are trying to figure out how to help your child with movement. Some of the life changing courses like laser course, Constipation and cognitive vision have been welcomed greatly by parents and practitioners alike. Recently I feel that cranial course has again revolutionised the whole approach of practising movement lesson. We all knew that cranial movements were important for movement. But how exactly does it help to move? And what is the relationship between cranial movements and milestones are explained in detail with the cranial course. Also explained in this course are important aspects of fetal skull presentation and mature Skeletal presentations. So simple in explanation and illustrations beautiful in the workbook that anyone can understand and practice with the cranial movements. The cranial course is really created a paradigm shift for movement lesson. I congratulate Michelle Turner for coming up with such brilliant courses and new learning with each course. I hope the learning and self discovery never ends."
- Parent -
"SMA type 1, working on standing. This is by far the longest my daughter has been able to stand so far. It’s seconds but she has come from zero leg support to this, so I will take it. It’s all thanks to Movement Lesson. We wouldn’t be here without it."
- Erin F. -
"Such a good course. It works like a magic poo button"
- Stephanie M. -
"Today was a day where I rocked ML! Having come to this to help my son and having got a session in with him was all pretty normal. We are away on holiday and my niece is visiting and my sister-in-law is down to help with the care of our son. My niece has suffered from chronic and debilitating migraines for years. In the early hours, she had a bad migraine and was about to take some of the medication she is prescribed. I suggested I do some ML 40 mins of ML and her migraine was gone. She woke feeling completely well. Worked on her again today and I could feel the difference in her body. 'How can you do that when your hardly doing anything' she asked, guess my gentle touch is coming along nicely then!
My sister-in-law then asked for a session as she had pain in her shoulder and a headache;10 mins in, she was asleep. After a 45 minute session, the pain and tension, and headache were gone!
Partner comes back from fishing complaining about his sinuses playing up from chronic hay fever and having pain in his shoulder, he gets plenty of movement lesson generally so asked for some straight away.. 45 minutes later he was a happy and symptom-free man!
It was so lovely to have helped those around me today with ML and my niece who has just qualified as a doctor and will be starting on the neurology ward next month now has first-hand insight into something that works other than hardcore medication!"
-Birinder Kang-
Overcome the block of getting started with the ML Laser Series - It Put's Michelle's Touch in the Palm of Your Hand
Learn MoreLocation
13260 N. 94th Drive, Suite 420
Medical Center III
Peoria, Arizona 85381
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Phone: 602.909.2565
Email: [email protected]