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Tummy Time Exercises and the Coming to Sitting Baby Milestones

Hello Proactive Parent, Grandparent, or Therapist,  


Here is a summary of what will be covered in this blog:

  • Tummy Time Exercises and the Coming to Sitting Milestone

  • It's Not About Going Backwards in Development; It's About Giving Your Child the Movement Foundations Needed for Optimal Development

  • Aug 26 - Aug 30, 2024 - DO ML WITH ME Schedule and Links
  • New YouTube Videos

    • Jumping
    • How to Help Your Baby Reach Milestones
    • 3 Signs of Vision Concerns
  • Blog Post 

    • High vs. Low Muscle Tone Baby - How Muscle Tone is Developed at Birth
  • Last Week's ML Support Topics

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Tummy Time Exercises and the Coming to Sitting Baby Milestones


I have spent the last week or two doing Michelle's Tummy Time exercises from the Tummy Time course on my 18-month-old. In that time, I made it through 13 exercises, spending 15 to 20 minutes on each...

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14 Things You Need to Know About Your Baby's Tummy Time

You want your baby to be successful with their milestones in a way that your baby experiences Milestone Momentum.

 Whether your baby is a newborn, 3 months old, 6 months old or older, tummy time is a crucial part of their development in gravity for their milestone momentum. 


Michelle Turner, Baby Accelerator, in this blog she teaches 14 things that you need to know about the ins and outs of your baby's tummy time and what that means for your child's milestone momentum. 


To a baby, there are no bad movements, but to a baby's development, there is such a thing as bad tummy time. 


There is much more to it than putting your baby on their tummy.

  • If the baby hates it, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't get the nose to cross midline, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't lift their head, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't get out of tummy time with out falling over by rolling over at 2.5 to 3 months...
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Signs of a Good Tummy Time

tummy time Aug 05, 2022

(Scroll to the bottom for tummy time warning signs).

People always ask me... How can you tell if a child has had good Tummy Time experience? Here is a great example of me working a healthy, five month old. Look at what I’m pointing out to you.

  1. Nose crossing midline: Does her nose cross midline when she looks from side to side?
  2. Vision: Is she able to look up and down? Side to side? Does she have visual remembrance? Can she see from near- to far-sighted? Does she work the room and back to you? She won’t have smooth vision, because she’s five month of age. She’s working around the room rather than because of her body’s movements.
  3. Floats in and out of a horizon: Does she float in a horizontal position? Can she float from horizontal to sitting position? Does she float from side to side? Look at how easy she goes in and out of any position.

How do I start TODAY to help my baby’s Milestone Momentums?

  1. Newborn Movement...
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Why a Baby Hates Tummy Time - What to Do About It

Difficulty in tummy time is an early warning sign for movement deviations.


A baby can hate tummy time because of...

  • Reflux,
  • A Heavy Head
  • Lacks Rotational Movements in the Spine and/or Pelvis
  • or a Stiff Ribcage
A baby should enjoy tummy time and have a nice sweeping of the nose back and forth as the baby is playing with movements that create functional rolling over, crawling, and walking.
If a baby's tummy time is unsuccessful for any reason it's likely the child will have difficulty in later milestones; either they will be awkward, delayed, or not happen at all.
Milestones should never be skipped, and if a baby is unable to perform those movements due to medical complications, birth trauma, or lack of movement in the body, Movement Lesson will help you put the Milestone Momentum back in your baby.

Movement Lesson is the only modality that offers milestone courses that teach you how...

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Alternatives to Tummy Time - Birth to 3 months - the Absolute Horizon

What is Tummy Time?

Yes, I am working on tummy time with this baby, 


are you here because your baby is not doing tummy time, or you want your child to be better at tummy time?

You are learning about when to start tummy time, and you are wondering the tummy time age. 

You know that tummy time is important, but maybe your baby can't do tummy time, or won't do tummy time. 

Maybe your baby is past the tummy time age and you are wondering if you can still teach your baby tummy timer. 

Is it okay for your baby to skip tummy time if the baby just can't do it? 

Tummy time is essential to your baby's movement health, but there are circumstances where it's not safe for the baby, the baby doesn't like tummy time, or your baby can't do tummy time due to a genetic condition or something outside of your control. 

It's not too late you teach your baby tummy time.

When a child has established their absolute horizon, tummy time becomes easier.

It's Not Too Late...

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