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14 Things You Need to Know About Your Baby's Tummy Time

You want your baby to be successful with their milestones in a way that your baby experiences Milestone Momentum.

 Whether your baby is a newborn, 3 months old, 6 months old or older, tummy time is a crucial part of their development in gravity for their milestone momentum. 


Michelle Turner, Baby Accelerator, in this blog she teaches 14 things that you need to know about the ins and outs of your baby's tummy time and what that means for your child's milestone momentum. 


To a baby, there are no bad movements, but to a baby's development, there is such a thing as bad tummy time. 


There is much more to it than putting your baby on their tummy.

  • If the baby hates it, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't get the nose to cross midline, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't lift their head, it's not tummy time!
  • If the baby can't get out of tummy time with out falling over by rolling over at 2.5 to 3 months...
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Signs of a Good Tummy Time

tummy time Aug 05, 2022

(Scroll to the bottom for tummy time warning signs).

People always ask me... How can you tell if a child has had good Tummy Time experience? Here is a great example of me working a healthy, five month old. Look at what I’m pointing out to you.

  1. Nose crossing midline: Does her nose cross midline when she looks from side to side?
  2. Vision: Is she able to look up and down? Side to side? Does she have visual remembrance? Can she see from near- to far-sighted? Does she work the room and back to you? She won’t have smooth vision, because she’s five month of age. She’s working around the room rather than because of her body’s movements.
  3. Floats in and out of a horizon: Does she float in a horizontal position? Can she float from horizontal to sitting position? Does she float from side to side? Look at how easy she goes in and out of any position.

How do I start TODAY to help my baby’s Milestone Momentums?

  1. Newborn Movement...
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Why a Baby Hates Tummy Time - What to Do About It

Difficulty in tummy time is an early warning sign for movement deviations.


A baby can hate tummy time because of...

  • Reflux,
  • A Heavy Head
  • Lacks Rotational Movements in the Spine and/or Pelvis
  • or a Stiff Ribcage
A baby should enjoy tummy time and have a nice sweeping of the nose back and forth as the baby is playing with movements that create functional rolling over, crawling, and walking.
If a baby's tummy time is unsuccessful for any reason it's likely the child will have difficulty in later milestones; either they will be awkward, delayed, or not happen at all.
Milestones should never be skipped, and if a baby is unable to perform those movements due to medical complications, birth trauma, or lack of movement in the body, Movement Lesson will help you put the Milestone Momentum back in your baby.

Movement Lesson is the only modality that offers milestone courses that teach you how...

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Number One Impact on Baby Development

Movement organization starts at birth when the baby comes out of the vaginal canal.


When a baby has been birth via c-section, with an epidural through the vaginal canal, or cord complications when the baby is coming out of the vaginal canal, the baby's ability to have healthy rotational responses is at risk. 


The most important factor that affects your child's development! Key things that affect your baby's developmental milestones! What to look for, what to do, birth trauma, and genetics, learn early intervention activities with Movement Lesson.


In this video I explain the creations of movement in the body and that movement's relationship to gravity. 



How a baby rolls over is a tell tale sign of their gravity and movement relationship. 


In this video, I evaluate a baby rolling over and what it means for their potential development based off of the baby's relationship with gravity. 



In an article by...

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Method by Anat Baniel vs Movement Lesson

What is the difference between the Method developed by Anat Baniel and Movement Lesson™?

Anat Baniel has focused her method on brain plasticity (neuroplasticity) and the brain's ability to make changes in movement. 


The goal is to wake up the brain so it can make more powerful movement changes.


The goal is to overcome limitations through the power of the brain.


Anat teaches parents and practitioners 9 Essential to overcome pain and increase vitality


Most importantly the Method created by Anat Baniel focuses on the brain's ability to change and is the heart of the body's ability to learn movement and thinking patterns.


ML believes that movement maps the brain, the brain cannot map movement.  


The brain is powerful and when an easier way to create movement is shown to the brain, new neuroconnections are made and the brain goes with what is easier to create function and movement in the body. 



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Quantum Reflex Integration vs Movement Lesson Reflex Integration

In the video below Michelle talks about the creation of reflexes, how reflexes are misidentified, and how you need rotational movements to integrate true primitive reflex responses. 


A program that uses QRI harmonic laser to integrate what is believed to be infant reflexes by putting the low-level laser on acu-points and known reflex patterns.


Movement Lesson does have a laser program, but a laser is not necessary to integrate a child's primitive reflexes. 


Movement Lesson believes that reflexes are movements needed by the skeletal system to be able to go into developmental movement patterns.


To successfully integrate reflexes you need to understand where a child is at in the movement process and then start to organize the body according to that process so the body can start to naturally integrate true reflex responses.


Click the link to get our FREE GUIDE, "5 Steps to BIG SUCCESS with Movement Lesson and MILESTONE MOMENTUM ...

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Milestone Momentum for Baby and Child Development

When EXACTLY should your baby be doing each milestone?
When should you Start Being Worried about your baby's development?
There is a SPECIFIC PROCESS of movement that gives your child Milestone Momentum.
When milestones are Skipped Or Delayed, your child has deviated off the Milestone Momentum Pathway.
Transitional and Functional Movements are what happens when a baby is on track with their Movement, Vision, and Push/pull Milestones.
NEVER should a child look stuck in their movements.
NEVER should a child look stiff in their movements.
NEVER should a child look laid back in their movements.
In the case where a child has birth trauma, genetics, or unknown issues that are causing developmental delay every child can have Milestone Momentum put into their system so that child can have the opportunity to experience daily progress in their functional movements and abilities.
It's never too late to give your child...
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14 Rolling Over Warning Signs - Typical vs. Atypical Baby Development in Rolling Over

   >>>Get our FREE Guide "5 Steps to BIG SUCCESS with Movement Lesson and MILESTONE MOMENTUM, Click Here.

   >>>Get the Milestone Momentum Rolling Over Course Now, CLICK HERE

😳YOU'RE CONCERNED that your baby Isn't Rolling Over Yet and everyone is telling you, "It's okay, nothing is wrong with your baby, every baby develops differently."πŸ€”
😳😳You know that everything is NOT OKAY, and you don't know what to do about it.
You're asking yourself, "WHY?!" 🀦‍♀️ 🀦 🀦‍♂️
You're thinking, "I did everything right."
"I didn't swaddle much."
"I play with my baby, and it's like my kid is NOT GETTING IT! WHY?"

You have a right to be concerned.

ALWAYS talk to your doctor about your concerns for your baby.
But when you are getting the "Wait and See" approach ⌚, then you need more options.
You have tried all the therapy and alternative therapy options and You Are Out of options. What else could there...
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Learn the NUMBER ONE factor that affects baby's development! Support healthy brain growth.


What EXACTLY does your child need?

You want movement!
You want progression!
And that is Exactly what Movement Lesson offers, Progression which equals Milestone Momentum.
It’s the case for many of our kiddos that they are not doing a movement or milestone because their body literally DOES NOT KNOW HOW.

Movement that was stuck and impossible we need to unstuck so movement can Be Possible.

You don’t have to be a pro at this to Create Movement Possibilities for your child.
It only takes One Determined mom, dad, caregiver, or professional to put in the time to get AMAZING RESULTS.
Every Day it’s my goal to see progression in my children’s movement and abilities.
I have six children, and I work on All Of Them!
I assess, know exactly where I need it to work to Make The Most Difference, I work on my kids for 10-20-30 minutes (depending on how long they will let me), and off to the next kid.
And I try to work on my kids in EVERY...
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Where is my Child's Balance?! - Why Does My Child Keep Falling Over

WHERE is my Child’s BALANCE?!


Have you ever been falling asleep and you almost feel like you are floating almost like you are in an upright position? 


And then...


You are falling...






and WHAM!


You startle Big Time and you are back in your body in a horizontal position. 


Knowing where we are at in space is Super Important. 


I am not talking about in relationship to the floor, but in your relationship to gravity and your force interaction relationships. 


Your body needs to know when it is, Horizontal, or Vertical whether or not I am laying on the floor or hanging in the air.


When we move, we should be building a Symbiotic Relationship With Gravity. 


We experience gravity in 360 degrees. It's all around us. 


That being said our balance has to be in 360 degrees.


A child shouldn't be randomly falling, (yes we may occasionally trip on things, I am not talking about that kind of falling)....

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